Resident Evil 2 Review: Most Epic Changes In The 2019 Remake

Resident Evil 2 Review: Most Epic Changes In The 2019 Remake

Just a few weeks of 2019 passed and we have Resident Evil 2 remake (Add a ‘Yay’ here). Releasing on Friday (January 25), Resident Evil 2 review is here to discuss some epic changes that can make it a game of the year. 

First things first, Capcom has done more than just making design-related changes in the survival game. It is completely new, and critics agree that the developers have done a great job to create a remake that seems fresh and interesting. 

The Resident Evil 2 of 2019 is different from the survival-horror version of 1998. From appearance and zombies, there are plenty of things that make it look fresh. In this Resident Evil 2 review, we will discuss some major changes in the 2019 survival game remake that make it talk of the gaming-town prior to its release.

Technology: Great Camera Angle : Resident Evil 2

Since 1996, the Resident Evil series has changed a lot. Capcom has always given priority to technology, and it is noticed every time the developer came up with something new. The Resident Evil 2 remake presents an over-the-shoulder camera that offers a stunning view but a surprise attack. One more amazing thing about the seamless camera is that whenever the player gets bit, it closes in. Plus, the camera makes it easier to explore the environment.

Audio: Audible Sound Of Footsteps And Screams

The original Resident Evil 2 featured tense and horrifying music, but the Resident Evil 2 game of 2019 has more than just the background music. Players will now be able to hear all sorts of sounds like footsteps and screams coming from all directions. The new audio system of the game is supposed to make players nervous while playing it.

Difference: Sudden Monster Appearance

Apart from design and audio, Capcom has worked on the monster’s appearance. To make it unpredictable, the developer introduces the monster at different times (especially when the player is not expecting it). However, the changes aren’t major. It means that fans of the Resident Evil 2 classic aren’t going to miss much about the storyline.

Inventory System: Revamped To Meet Challenges 

The Resident Evil 2 remake is more stressful and challenging than the original classic. The Monster can appear anytime. To prepare a player for the challenges, the game’s inventory system has been updated. Now, players can increase the bag’s capacity and keep more items. This wasn’t an option in the old Resident Evil 2 game. 

Final Words 

In the final section of Resident Evil 2 review, we assure gamers that they are going to witness uniqueness and more fun in the new 2019 version. The Resident Evil 2 remake is going to release on January 25 for PCs, PS4, and Xbox One. Get ready!