The stunning and haunting Ms. Loring captivated audiences as Wednesday on the beloved ABC series “The Addams Family,” where she brought to life a young girl enamored with the macabre. With her signature dark attire and pigtailed locks accentuating her porcelain complexion, Ms. Loring’s portrayal of Wednesday left a lasting impression on viewers from 1964 to 1966.
The iconic Wednesday Addams of “The Addams Family” has left us too soon. Lisa Loring, who first brought the creepy-cute character to life on the 60’s television series, passed away at 64 years old in Burbank, California.
Her death was confirmed by her daughter, Vanessa Callies Dominguez, who shared that Lisa was taken off a ventilator after suffering a stroke.
The young actress was just 5 years old when she auditioned for the role that would make her a household name.
With her grandmother owning a popular Mexican restaurant in Los Angeles, it’s no surprise that Lisa was discovered and found success in the entertainment industry, including child modeling before becoming the beloved Wednesday Addams.
Lisa Ann DeCinces was born on the exotic island of Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands, on February 16th, 1958.
Lisa Ann DeCinces, the only child of James P. DeCinces and Judith Ann (Callies) DeCinces, was destined for greatness from the moment she arrived in the world. With her father serving in the U.S. Navy, Lisa’s family moved to the glitz and glamor of Los Angeles when she was just a toddler.
Despite her parents’ divorce shortly after, Lisa’s star continued to rise and shine.